To make inquiries about the organizations/committees/ministries listed here when the contact is not a staff person, please use this contact form.

Community Service Day

Our “Community Service Day” is an opportunity to gather with families and friends from the parish to assist those in need by providing a little…

El Salvador Ministry

The mission of our El Salvador Ministry is to support and embrace the Cleveland diocesan mission in El Salvador. Encouraged by the words of Pope…

Advent Giving Tree

During Advent parishioners purchase and return the wrapped gifts for those in need.

Baby Bottles for Life

Baby Bottles for Life is our parish’s annual way to support Pro-Life organizations in our area. In early October parishioners are asked to take a…

Donut Sunday

On the 1st Sunday of the month, October thru June, donuts and coffee are available in the Bell Tower after Sunday Mass in order to…

Generations 45+

The mission of our St. John Bosco Generations 45+ group is to appeal to individuals who are 45 years old and above, to empower our…

Golf League

This is a Wednesday, nine hole golf league starting at 12:30 pm at Royal Crest Golf Course in Columbia Station. The league normally begins meeting…

Holy Name Society

A group of men and women dedicated to the honor of the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. In addition to providing spiritual development for…

International Festival

If there is any one event in the year where many hands make the work much easier, it is our International Festival that takes place…

Lenten Fish Dinners

The Lenten Fish Dinner is a long-running tradition at St. John Bosco. Serving 800-900 fish dinners in one night takes a lot of help. There…

Pathways to Hope

Pathways to Hope is an outreach at St. John Bosco to help individuals and families in need understand that they are not alone in their…

Run with Me 5K Run and 1 Mile Walk

On the Saturday morning after Memorial Day is our annual “SBJ Run with Me” – which is a 5K Race and 1 Mile Walk on…


Parishioners 55 and older meet twice a month for fellowship, entertainment and spiritual support. Meetings are held in the Bell Tower at 1:00 pm on…

Special Events

A variety of events happen throughout the year where a social will take place after the event in the Bell Tower. Help in planning, preparation…


Stewardship at St. John Bosco, is a ministry which acts in collaboration with the pastor and parish pastoral council, seeking to increase involvement of all…

St. Vincent de Paul Society

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is an outreach ministry dedicated to serve those in need within the parish and our local community. Their outreach…

31 Club

Becoming a member is simple!  There are no meetings to attend.  A parishioner signs up for a day of the month (i.e. the 10th) to…

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