To make inquiries about the organizations/committees/ministries listed here when the contact is not a staff person, please use this contact form.

Altar Servers

The privilege and honor of serving at the altar and assisting the priest has been a long standing tradition of the Catholic Church. The Ministry…

Altar Servers—Grades 5-8

This ministry is open to any boy or girl in grades 5 through 8. All students who desire to serve should express an interest in…

Altar Servers—Grades 9-12

This ministry is open to all high school boys and girls even if the student has never been an Altar Server. Any student in high…

Adult Servers

This ministry is open to adult men and women who wish to serve at the daily Mass at 7:30 am or Funeral Masses. Adult Altar…

Bethany Funeral Ministry

Bethany Funeral Ministry volunteers serve as greeters and ministers of hospitality at Funeral Masses.

Charismatic Prayer Group

Since 1971, parishioners have gathered for charismatic prayer and worship here at the parish. Charismatic prayer meetings provide an atmosphere of love and support, where…

Choir – Adult

Those interested in leading the faithful in singing God’s praises are encouraged to consider our Adult Choir. If you can carry a tune and are…

Computer Projection Volunteer

Parish volunteers run the multimedia projector to present prayer texts and song lyrics during the liturgies. Minimal computer knowledge is needed and training is provided…

Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion

We are fortunate to have many members of the parish who joyfully and reverently help distribute the Eucharist at Mass and to the sick and…


Saint John Bosco is a welcoming and friendly community. Greeters are parishioners who welcome people as they come into the church during our weekend Masses.…


Musical accompaniment is important at our parish liturgies. Skillful instrumentalists are always welcome to join our ensemble. Those interested are selected by audition only. Experience…


Lectors proclaim the first and second readings at Mass. A Lector at St. John Bosco is rooted in a love for, knowledge of, and belief…

Mass Coordinators

These volunteers see that everything is ready for the celebration of weekend Masses. They place items where they need to be and see that all…

Eucharistic Adoration

Since January 1, 2000 our Adoration Chapel has been a source of blessings for many in our parish and beyond. It is open seven days…

Spiritual Development

The mission of the Spiritual Development Committee is to serve the Lord and the people of St. John Bosco on our journey to holiness by…


Have you ever been invited to a gathering and the only person you know is the one who invited you? What a relief when someone…

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