Pathways to Hope is an outreach at St. John Bosco to help individuals and families in need understand that they are not alone in their struggle and that there are ways for them to face the future with hope and faith. A Pathways to Hope resource station is located in the hallway to the Activities Center with literature about social service agencies in Cuyahoga County, consistent with Catholic teaching, that are available to persons at critical times in life.

Pathways to Hope offers Taizé Prayer Services quarterly. These services provide a quiet space and time to pray and reflect on simple scripture passages, meditative antiphons and a service of light. It is a time to step away from the busyness of life to be present to the healing, compassionate God who loves us. It is also a time to bring our own needs and the needs of others to God. They are open to all who wish to come. Watch the bulletin for dates and times.

Contact: Terry & Carolyn Morris