Father Matt begins his May 19, 2020 letter to the parish by writing: “In the first reading for the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, I am struck by the fact that the Apostles still don’t get it! Even after traveling with Jesus for 3 years, witnessing his mighty deeds and wondrous teachings, even after seeing him suffer and die and witnessing his resurrection, they are still asking the wrong question: “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” I am struck, but I am also comforted, because it shows us that from the earliest days of the Church, we have always been figuring it out as we go!
Read the rest of his letter with the details we need to know about the reopening of the church for public Masses, wearing masks and reception of Holy Communion by clicking here: Parish Letter 5.19.20.
View his video on how we will receive Holy Communion safely.