Congratulations and welcome to the 10 new members received into the Catholic Church at St. John Bosco at the Easter Vigil on Saturday, March 30, 2024. Eight were baptized and two made professions of faith. They all were confirmed and received their first Communion. We congratulate and thank their families and catechists for supporting them throughout their preparation period. The Solemn 4-part liturgy was amazing from beginning to end. The SJB music ministry was inspiring and uplifting. Father Matt Byrne, Father Workman, Deacon Roger Polefko assisted by seminarian Chris Cotone, our wonderful liturgical ministers, lectors, and servers reverently led us through each part of the Liturgy making the whole Liturgy an unforgettable experience. The Alleluias rang out! Happy Easter to all! Christ is risen, indeed! More photos on our Facebook page.