Our Pathways to Hope ministry organized, hosted and led another beautiful Taizé Prayer Service on Wednesday, April 10. Father Workman welcomed the participants and introduced the elements of the service. This was followed by quiet reflection time, short scripture readings, silent reflection time interspersed with uplifting and inspiring refrains led by members of our SJB music ministry. Next was the candlelight service where participants could light candles for their intentions, followed by intercessions for our needs and the needs of the world and those around us, each followed by a sung response. We sung the Our Father and then Father Workman concluded the service with words of encouragement to live the light of Christ in our daily lives and a blessing.
Our summer Taizé Prayer Service will be on Wednesday, July 31, at 7:00PM. Mark the date on your calendars now and think about someone you know who would find this precious hour of quiet prayer a blessing. Come and bring them with you. All are welcome.
More photos are on our Facebook Page.