Father Matthew Byrne, Administrator of St. John Bosco, announced that perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the St. John Bosco Adoration Chapel will resume following the 11:00AM Mass on Sunday, July 5th. At the same same, Father reminded us about the need for prayer to address the various ills of our world today.
“While many of our previous adorers have been anxious to resume their time praying with Jesus, I want to invite more of you to consider taking a regular hour. In these past months, we have become increasingly aware of the illness of our world. Here I speak not just of physical sickness, but also of the social sickness that continually pits one group against another. In these troubled times, aware of our frailty, we turn all the more eagerly to Jesus, the Divine Physician. In adoration, even if we struggle to find the words to say to Jesus to pass the time, we allow him to radiate his presence to us. Drawing near to His body, we are filled with His light and we become ready to shine like lights in an increasingly dark world.
We will continue to take some safety precautions. Please continue to wear a facial covering, sanitize your hands, and clean your chair at the conclusion of your prayers. [There are chairs for up to 7 adorers at one time.] The cloth chairs and kneelers are not going back in yet, because we will continue to disinfect the chapel on a daily basis (if Tim, Connie, or Joe come in to clean while you are praying, maybe you can thank Jesus for their work and beg Him to keep them safe). Likewise, the literature rack will continue to be put away, and if you desire to do some spiritual reading in the chapel, I ask you to bring your own texts. When you sign in for your hour, please bring your own pen or use one of the disposable pencils that will be provided.
Although we are not back to normal, we are moving in that direction. Jesus’ body will once again be exposed and we will be able to gaze at Him as He gazes at us in love. Please, make it a point to come and give thanks for His abiding presence with us.”
If you would like to commit to a specific hour of Eucharistic Adoration, please call the SJB parish office: 440-886-3500.