On February 11, 2024, World Marriage Sunday, the Spiritual Development Committee sponsored ”Celebrating our Married Couples” in the Bell Tower after 11:00 AM Mass. During Mass Father Workman, Parochial Vicar, offered words of encouragement to married couples and stressed the importance of them having strong support relationships. He stressed how marriage touches all of us regardless of our state in life and how much all of us need to support married couples. Following the Mass, photos were taken of the milestone couples (5, 10, 25, 40, 50, 50+ years married). At the entrance to the Bell Tower, attendees picked up their name place cards.
Jan Bacher began the program with a welcome and then introduced Father Workman who led us in prayer. The Special Events Committee cooked and served a delicious pasta lunch, dessert being wedding cake. Melissa Barber-Tarolla, Director of Discipleship, did brief interviews with the milestone couples-where they got married, who presided, etc., and any other detail they wanted to share. The answers evoked many smiles. Some couples brought their wedding photos to share. Each milestone couple was given a gift bag from the Spiritual Development Committee. Finally, Melissa introduced parishioners Nellie and Neil Krawczynski, marriage mentors in the Diocese of Cleveland who spoke on “The Relationship Within Your Relationship: Embracing Holy Intimacy and Living Marriage in the Heart of the Trinity.”
We thank our married couples for the witness of their lives and pray for their continued good health and happiness. To see more photos, visit our Facebook Page.